everything is a ‘soul monster’ – word proof decode

About the image above – the Heart Nebula forms a famous complex known as the Heart and Soul with its smaller neighbour Westerhout 5, also known as the Soul Nebula, which lies just 2.5 degrees to the southeast (SE or ES/esse). Also named the Running Dog Nebula because, when seen through a telescope, it looks a bit like a running dog.

everything is a ‘soul monster’ – word proof decode

The Human Soul is PROVEN in the words we speak. The language and it’s use provide the outcomes of our lives but the words themselves are originated from our Selves. Woman and Man are the highest Law in the Universe and spectacular Spiritual Personas ‘playing’ as Uniques and as One. We have aggregated our spiritual persona to our material persona and developed a challenge of ‘finding each other’.

Language assembles from what preceded

Our language carries forward all history and aggregations to the present moment. The words and speech itself are as supernatural as our Selves are. (add “h” to Selves to make Shelves).

This same event of aggregating all past events to the future is also taking place in our anatomy, timeline, communities and the history of the entire Earth Universe (EU). – “your rope eons Unified”, European Union.

Each persona is a ‘monster’ unto themself

MONSTER – Mon Star – the word

Each persona is a ‘monster’ unto them-self and a literal Mon Star of the Universe. And the entirety of the Universe, and more. Monster leads to ‘demonstrate’ (de monstr/8) and ‘demonstrable’ (de monstr able). In Latin ‘demonstrable’ etymology we are lead to monstrare “to point out, show,” from monstrum “divine omen, wonder”. The word ens in Latin is plural to Antia/Entia or female/male spiritual mystical beings.

Tarot defines mon stars

Tarot carries the same letters and phonemes as Tao “rt” or Tau Repeat Tao.
Tarot also deconstructs to “T_R” + OT.
Tarot also deconstructs to “T” + AH + ‘rot’.

monster history

In i345ad, monster meant monstre, “malformed animal or human, creature afflicted with a birth defect,” and mostre “monster, monstrosity”. However in Latin the word is monstrum “divine omen of contrasing fortunes and misfortunes), a portent, sign; chimeric;” figuratively “repulsive character, object of dread, awful deed, abomination,” a derivative of monere (sim to money) – “to remind or bring one’s recollection forward, to expose or confess; admonish, advise, warn, instruct, teach,”

‘Admonish’ means warn discourage caution advise counsel criticise critique knock down pick apart separate particularize. Below is an example of how language and speech must be continually verified to know what you heard and what was meant, as also happens as we formulate thought or speaking. Example seen in all words below:

‘Admonish’ sounds very similar to adamance dams adenomyosis adenosis adience admass admix adnexa adonic adonis adynamic aidoneus at once at times thanasius athens atomic atomise atonic attitudinise audenesque audience autonomic autonomous autotomic autotomise

‘Admonish’ happens to rhyme with abolish accomplish amish anguish astonish banish barish beamish bearish blemish blowfish bookish boorish brackish brandish british brownish brutish bullish burnish cavendish cherish childish churlish clannish cornish crayfish danish demolish dervish devilish diminish distinguish dovish embellish english establish extinguish faddish fetish fiendish finish finnish flemish foolish frankish furbish furnish garish garnish ghoulish girlish greenish hagfish hashish awkish hellish horseradish impish impoverish irish killifish kurdish languish lavish lettish longish mawkish moorish nightmarish outlandish parish parrish peevish perish pinkish polish prudish publish puckish punish purplish radish raffish rakish reddish reestablish refinish refurbish relinquish relish replenish rightish rubbish scottish elfish heepish kirmish kittish lavish luggish mallish nobbish spanish queamish tandish tylish wedish tarnish ticklish turkish vanish vanquish varnish whitish yiddish

did you know ‘dandy’, the word, reveals the soul?

dandy = D n D = 4*4 = 8Y? (n/u are both multipliers *)

nu or un can make ‘wm’ together.

(Re Divide EL cue), particularization of a material creative

Ridicule, reveals the miniscule which is still in effect today in modern languages known as the “reversed S” seen here: Ƨ represents the minuscule: ƨ appears in countless alphabets. Below are 2 recent language magic blogs:

What are spoken words telling

OCCULT? – means hidden from view
Spoken words weave a wide spectrum of spokes and weaves that can be interpreted in a continuum the difference between gnosis and ideology/theory/faith.

Oh Cult!” is what is heard when this word is spoken or thought of and the reason why there is an emotional response to the phonetic arrangement of the word — and then after a time, we associate memes to a word, and after a time we connect rigid beliefs to the memes of that word/phrase/acronym, and after a time we fully adopt, become adapted and adept at the proposals we focused on and adopted.

Occult study is the study of principles and practices known before by many, but now know by a few. Occult study, teaches these tricks and the truths are automatically revealed. The tricked run away like scared rabbits thus revealing and proving their position. The courageous (core raged) find their purpose. The language serves both equally and in Parity.

live chat replay

Arthur — Today at 5:17 AM

  • ælo — Today at 5:18 AM
    glad to hear u have a soul urge?
    or are u curious?
  • Arthur — Today at 5:18 AM
    Not sure, I just started my esoeteric journey
  • ælo — Today at 5:19 AM
    it is your Soul calling t you – it only seems quiet as we live in a noisy busy world
    being young is good and bad
  • Arthur — Today at 5:19 AM
    develop on that pls? Arthur — Today at 5:20 AM
  • ælo — Today at 5:20 AM
    young has the empathy and telepathy but lacks education and guidance
    abandonment, not from hating you either, a development
  • ælo — Today at 5:23 AM
    si, our life is a movie
    Arthur — Today at 5:23 AM
    seems great
    why did you guys start
  • ælo — Today at 5:24 AM
    we were revealed at age of 7
    we found out when we met
  • Arthur — Today at 5:24 AM
  • ælo — Today at 5:24 AM
    Soul Urge & the unfair world
  • Arthur — Today at 5:26 AM
    Ok, I’ve got a question if you don’t mind, my mother, her dad, her grandpa and so on were all rosicrucians, always very spiritualistic, my sister and father aren’t at all but i guess i’m starting
    does that have anything to do with me, like
  • ælo — Today at 5:27 AM
    all history aggregates and comes forward as a gift to the Present – into the now
  • Arthur — Today at 5:27 AM
    English is not my first language so pardon any mistakes
  • ælo — Today at 5:28 AM
    you are doing great
    we are in NW USA
  • Arthur — Today at 5:28 AM
    I’m Brazillian but Live in Portugal if that mathers
  • ælo — Today at 5:29 AM
    Portugal – big history
  • Arthur — Today at 5:29 AM
    but yeah, do you reccomend any books to help me?
    Arthur — Today at 5:29 AM
  • ælo — Today at 5:29 AM
    i do not know what you are looking for
  • Arthur — Today at 5:30 AM
  • ælo — Today at 5:31 AM
    it is powering your heartbeat and storyline from inside your Heart – as a Still point or a ‘reserve’ from the Pool of knows everything.

The “S” Till/bank/reserve
god is your partner – equal partners
The Pool provides the Loop of your anatomy and the Universe you are experiencing
throw the other 10K books away

Arthur — Today at 5:33 AM
Alright, is God energy?

  • ælo — Today at 5:33 AM
    “ea” – watr/matr

Energy Arranged—
god is the forced mystery great mind of all and it is a fractal pointing inward, infinitely
When contained – it bursts out materiality
Gen/Der is easily decoded, Gender Universe is all you are and all you see
you are 6, god is 9, you are merged as an “8” with the neigh(n) tucked as a still infinitesimal center Still Point, uncatchable or detectable by any Mind, only your Will can find it

Arthur — Today at 5:37 AM
You don’t think I’ll find God in books?

  • ælo — Today at 5:37 AM
    Books = Koobz
    Books are for reference
    Intuition displays reverence
  • Arthur — Today at 5:38 AM
    Then what role do the holly books play?
    Like the Bible and the Quran
  • ælo — Today at 5:39 AM
    they are an evolution of our volitions – they show our history and all can be decoded
    Re/LIG/Ions are made to pressure you, challenge you to use your OWN VOLITION – the battle is FAITH vs owning it
  • Arthur — Today at 5:41 AM
    Is there a “right” book? A correct one? The real one?
  • ælo — Today at 5:41 AM
    stop – are you King of the Court? ha ha
  • Arthur — Today at 5:41 AM
  • ælo — Today at 5:42 AM
    me too as i read every book
    and wrote 15, we are good, me and you
  • Arthur — Today at 5:42 AM
    Cool… Soooo….. what did you write about?
  • ælo — Today at 5:44 AM
    getting six to know Self and 7 and 8 and neigh(n)

the Twin of Me, the Soul/Universe/Essence
and every crime ever committed.

We are pro neural linguistic philologists and experts in all language, symbol, number or arrangements decoding, we have been put down thousands of times in 4 years of publishing.

live chat replay 2

* æloToday at 7:23 AMwe are looking for living in the present moment challengers, game tokens need not apply

 aqaToday at 7:40 AMoy

 lockToday at 8:56 AMhi

@lockhi * æloToday at 9:02 AMgreetings

 lockToday at 9:03 AMi hope u have a good day today

 * æloToday at 9:06 AMgoing great as it always does, hru(edited)

[9:07 AM]we are free from stresses, i appear agitated at times as my enthusiam is misunderstood

@* ælogoing great as it always does, hru (edited) lockToday at 9:08 AMi’m good

@* ælowe are free from stresses, i appear agitated at times as my enthusiam is misunderstood lockToday at 9:08 AMwell i’m happy u r enthusiastic

[9:08 AM]i appreciate the things you share here

 * æloToday at 9:09 AMi do it for myself to learn and grow, i feel obligated to help others(edited)

[9:10 AM]i cannot just standby unless i want to be a collaborater of human potential reductionism

[9:10 AM](i just now made up that term)

 lockToday at 9:10 AMsounds like a strong passion of yours

[9:11 AM]have you considered moving to platforms where u can get a wider reach

 * æloToday at 9:11 AMsince age 7 all ppl laugh at loving innocent children, i have always been the 7 year old child and people have always laughed and ridiculed me – no i never got used to it(edited)

 lockToday at 9:11 AMsorry to hear that

 * æloToday at 9:12 AMGen ISIS It IS what it IS

[9:13 AM]the Twin in all people is fully exposed today

@* æloGen ISIS It IS what it IS lockToday at 9:13 AMhehe

 * æloToday at 9:13 AMsave your sorries, i won this life🙏1

 lockToday at 9:13 AMwith gen isis

[9:13 AM]can it be read as Generation Isis?

 * æloToday at 9:14 AMacknowledging my Life Purpose and what IS

[9:14 AM]IsIs

[9:14 AM]one is outer, one is inner

[9:14 AM]the Twin in everyone

@lockcan it be read as Generation Isis? * æloToday at 9:14 AMsi

[9:15 AM]the generation of the Gender Universe of masculine pitted against feminine forces and outcomes the Phi cycle world (physical and material)

[9:15 AM]1/2 of our story

 lockToday at 9:16 AMare we born into separation?

 * æloToday at 9:16 AMall people are set to end up at the 50yard line

@lockare we born into separation? * æloToday at 9:16 AMwe are born 100% unified into a separated world that demands we adapt to it

 lockToday at 9:16 AMahhh okay

 * æloToday at 9:16 AMit Is what it Is

[9:16 AM]the Twin


  • https://123456789.monster/?p=126 -words/answrs
  • https://words.bighugelabs.com/admonish
  • https://saltwaterwitch.com/blog/ic-1805-heart-nebula-in-the-hubble-palette
  • https://www.constellation-guide.com/heart-nebula/





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