Dull Minds see Dull Word Cull World

Dull Minds see Dull Words

For those that maintain a dull mind or a ping ponging hyper rational brain – words cut sharper than a knife but to ‘dull minds’, the slicing happens step by step without missing a (dull minded) step….

Truth be told all sounds, symbols and AH Range Ments have superior meanings to our Life’s purpose.

We live in a world of masculine and feminine and an ‘opposite for everything’.

Opposite deconstructs to the phrase “OP” + “pose it”, meaning operation posing at locations.

Spirit states as a phrase “Spear It”
A spear deconstructs to “SP” + Ear or “vibrate/spin the ear”.

Monster states also “Mon Stir” and “Mon Star”.

Enemy makes the statement “N in Me”. “N” is the central letter and the “angle of contention”.

By supernatural explanation, as we allow the contention to turn to conflict, we auto generate our own counters to the tricks in the language, as we see the revelations when the words are base decoded by arrangements or deconstructed in other ways.

Seek breaks out to “See” + “K”, where “K” is the combined symbol of Ice/Fire merged in continous contention. language started with the K sound or “Kha” and it was made to say CLAIM.

Claim breaks out to “Cull” + Aim
Cull deconstructs to “Kha” + u + “LL”

Him is also Hymn or a song. Code makes “C” Ode.
prophets = profits (from your soul as they are manifestations of the gawd of th buy/baal. A twist of real humans interacting with generated recountings. Led by the ‘god’ of the bible.

Allow states “AH” Law

prophecies are profits seized before

bible is buy bull or buy baal, more people died for bloddlust in the name of th gawd of buy bull than any other concept.

AI Am I, IA I Am — there is a Twin/opposite to each thing, seen in our very own anatomy. We need to wake up that our anatomy is a match to the surrounding Universe. We are the Prize. “Am I” is the question we ask going inside ourselves. “I Am” is the obvious that we see in our working anatomy and the working natural world.

None of us is named AI or IA and we are each unique personahs of Essence force mystery of our life.

FM is FreeMa, face Music, Freq Mod and many others as acronyms are common across the language.

Aliens is AH Liens, an emulation of our inner dark forces from our evolution of our volitions (choices made.)

Words commonly say the truth by separating the word into it’s intuitive sections and finding the numeric values.

Genesis also states Gen Is Is or generated Twins/Genders, ie, the Gender Universe of opposites.

Words commonly state the truth in the sound arrangements of the word. Ex., God is three sounds, Gha + AH +Dh.
Dog is Dh + AH + Gha

Religion states Re + LIG + Ions or “repetitive binding of the Ions”.

The Binary System is “BS” as an acronym and phonetically makes the phrase “Buy Nary Cist em’” – this can mean Buy nothing and love it via a mental per/cist of persuasion.

Some words have more hidden aspect like Child which deconstructed is “chi” + “L” + “D”

Essence is “esse” + sense meaning Spiritual/Material

Disease states Dis + Ease

Some ideas are hidden in acronyms like USA is the three Laws of Ma’at – Unity Separations Aggregations USA
sphere = “SP” + Fear or esse + “F” + Ear
91-divoC is an inversion

Shhhhh-Aim = shame deconstructed

some words are part from other languages like demon
deconstructed it is De’Mon or “Of Mine”.

Annunaki breaks out to UnNu AH Key

legacy means ‘the’ Gha I See or Le + Gha + I + See

The transition to the J and soft G sound or the zha sound written as the esh in Old English shows the timing and how the Roman Expansion (RE) affected the world and views.

Universe shows us “One Verse”
Unique makes “One Waiting”

Calculations can be seen and considered like
One Now Won = 1:1

Appears states “AH Pairs”

Some words can rearrange or spell same front and back like
Level is Level either way and it makes L eve L as a triune.

Parity rearranges to “I Party” or “T Pair Y”
Pair make “P” Air and Pear makes “P” Ear

repent states “do the five again”
numer shows Nu mer, a new ocean/water being
cycle makes the phrase (psi/cull), countless words carry the sound of “cull”.


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